Japanese personality (character) explained

If Japanese people are supposed to be shy, how come they practice their golf swings and ballroom dancing moves on the station platform?
Most Japanese people seeing this might also think it is crazy, but for the minority of Japanese who go through life completely unaware of the subtle way in which people express their disapproval, the same systems that keep everyone else in line leave them to be as eccentric as they like. A general acceptance of people taking their hobbies very seriously might also be a factor


  1. Lorene said,

    October 5, 2009 at 2:25 pm

    People at work say I’m unsociable. I am not unfriendly and I certainly am not a snob. I just tell them I am Japanese, thinking that would mean something to someone. But in this white world, it means nothing to no one. No one understands my nature is Japanese… I’m just a shy and timid person. They don’t understand and I am labeled unsociable.

    • Lock-On Stratos said,

      January 9, 2015 at 12:32 am

      Mostly because when a group of socialize people see someone, such as a classmate, co-worker or a possible person that they think is cool, sitting by themselves rather than talking to people, they assume that they are anti-social. And for the most part, it can be somewhat considered anti-social. It just isn’t by choice, unlike maybe a grumpy and/or older person.

      Personally speaking, I’ve been there before too. I went through Elementary, Middle and early High School being “the quiet and ‘anti-social’ ” kid. And I’m American. It’s hard sometimes over coming your shy and timid side, and perhaps it is something like Social Anxiety, something you can’t control. However, don’t let that, or the fact that you are Japanese, stop you from being social. Guys like brave girls. :)

  2. Mushroom said,

    November 20, 2009 at 8:11 pm

    My nationality says I am Japanese. I got a Japanese passport that says I am Japanese. But what exactly is to be Japanese? My father (who is also Japanese) says Japanese people are diligent, organized, punctual, and workaholic. I think I am more of anti-social person rather than shy. So am I still Japanese? Is it because I grew up outside of Japan that I am no longer Japanese?

  3. Richard said,

    September 2, 2010 at 1:38 am

    I don’t think Japanese people who do eccentric things have to be unaware of other people’s approval. You can be aware of someone else’s subtle disapproval and just not care, because it’s so subtly expressed. In Europe or America, disapproval is more likely to be expressed aggressively – not all the time, of course, or even as commonly as it might sometimes seem, but enough to put off more introverted people from expressing their eccentric tendencies.

  4. Oren said,

    October 12, 2010 at 11:12 am

    “I just tell them I am Japanese, thinking that would mean something to someone.” Why would that mean anything to anyone who is not Japanese? It wouldn’t, and thinking that it would translates as an “I’m special” complex. To avoid adapting to a group to which one belongs is very isolationist and is the characteristic of a person who is a snob. Either way it is, indeed, anti-social. If you want to be able to communicate effectively-maybe teach a person something; maybe learn something-then you must leave homogeneous hangups where you found them. The world is too full of good to be found in relationships with other people to allow being “Japanese” to stagnate your world views and personal growth. Get over yourself, please. For the sake of your coworkers (who undoubtedly are made to feel very uncomfortable because of either your inability, or lack of desire, to assimilate into your workplace culture), and mostly, for your own sanity. It must be very difficult to keep working every day with people who you do not trust. I’m American, and work with a group of people who are all-each and every one except me-Japanese. One or two of them are anti-social (with me) but the other 15 or so are very social and fun to work with. Get a second opinion from someone because you probably are simply anti-social if everyone has labeled you that way. Look at your situation through the eyes of others if you want to be true to yourself, as it relates to intercultural relationships.

  5. UePonchan said,

    October 18, 2010 at 10:08 am

    I’m partly Japanese. But I have Japanese personality the most. Sometimes, my friends who are not Japanese asks me to hang out with them. But I just don’t feel comfortable joining groups. I’d feel better with a single friend, or double. I avoid being exposed to big groups. I feel a bit different, maybe because they are not Japanese? and few of my Japanese friends are not so much like me. All Japanese have their natural personalities, maybe some of them just have different characteristics.

    • Nikooru said,

      October 1, 2015 at 5:16 am

      I feel the exact same way, and I was born and raised in Canada (by a Polish mother). I hate doing anything in groups and would much prefer to concentrate on one friend at a time. Many people don’t seem to feel the same way, so I avoid most large social gatherings.

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